Beauty Food, Body Beautiful, Wellness & Rituals

My Morning Chia Fresca

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Every morning I start my ritual with warm lemon water and I absolutely love it. I even tote around a bottle of lemon water with me to sip on throughout the day.

Lemons have TONS of benefits for your health, which as we know also benefits your beauty. I love drinking it because knowing that it helps my body function optimally makes me happy and it tastes great too. So refreshing!

Just when I thought my lemon water couldn’t get any better I discovered a way to kick it up a notch.  Being a pescatarian (I eat fish but no meat) it can get a little boring relying soely on fish oils for my necessary intake of Omegas. So, I started incorporating chia seeds into my diet to give me a boost. As it just so happens, chia seeds contain even more healthy fat than flax seeds! (booya.)

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Enter Chia Fresca.

Chia seeds are stirred into water and flavoured with lemon. The seeds absorb the water and the flavour and add a nice texture (depending on who you ask – it’s one of those love it or hate it kind of things).

When the seeds are soaked, the outer layer creates a gel-like film around the seed, like a tomato seed, making it is very easy to drink. It also makes a great post workout drink! Just add some coconut water for extra hydration and electrolyte replenishment.

So what are all these awesome benefits i’ve been raving about?

  • Lemons are excellent for your skin. They tone, cleanse and balance.
  • Purifies your liver and cleanses the body which is awesome because happy on the inside equals happy on the outside!
  • Stimulates healthy digestion and can aid in weight loss if that is your goal.
  • Alkalizes the body (acidic environments are perfect conditions for disease to grow)
  • Gives you a boost of Omega-3 fatty acids which keep your skin plump, oily and healthy – all necessary for keeping wrinkles at bay.
  • Chia seeds don’t need to be ground to be absorbed by the body
  • chia seeds hold 10 times their weight in water (more hydration for you!)
  • Chia seeds contain Fibre, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc along with many other nutrients that benefit your body and your skin.

I personally like to drink it as a Tea in the morning and a refreshing cool drink later in the day or after my workouts. Here are two versions, both of which I love!

Melissa’s Morning Chia Fresca Tea:

Yields: 2 cups


  • 2 cup boiled water/room temperature water ( I mix about half and half so its a good drinking temperature right away)
  • 1.5 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice, or 1-2 wedges to taste
  • Optional: Sweetener to taste (I suggest maple syrup, a bit of agave or steevia)

1. Take the lemon/lime and roll it on a hard surface to release the juices. Add it to your warm water. (I just throw in about 1-2 wedges)

2. Add chia and water into a jar or glass and stir very well to combine. Let sit for 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to absorb water. the seeds will sink to the bottom so just grab a spoon, or give your jar a good shake to mix it all up again.

Melissa’s refreshing Afternoon (or post workout) Chia Fresca:

Yields: 2 cups


  • 2 cup filtered water or coconut water
  • 1.5 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice, or 1-2 wedges to taste
  • Optional: Mint Leaves or cucumber to taste
  • Optional: Sweetener, to taste (I suggest maple syrup or a bit of agave or steevia)

1. Take the lemon or lime and roll it on a hard surface to release the juices. Add it to your water. (I just throw in about 1-2 wedges) Add mint or cucumber slices at this point if you want the added flavour and benefits.

2. Add chia and water into a jar or glass and stir very well to combine. Let sit for 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to absorb water. The seeds will sink to the bottom so just grab a spoon, or give your jar a good shake to mix it all up again.


Give it a try and let me know what you think? Do you have a ritual to start your day? Tell me about it in the comments below!

Beauty Food, Ingredients

Beauty Food – Kale



Kale is a superfood and powerful antioxidant. It is rich in phytonutrients, vitamins and calcium, each of which are vital to your skin’s health. Kale contains beta-carotene, improving skin elasticity and firmness, and is one of the richest sources of lutein which is proven to help protect your skin from damaging UVA rays.

If eating this leafy green doesn’t appeal to your vanity, perhaps its other health perks will. Kale is high in vitamin A, important for vision health and helps prevent lung and oral cancers, vitamin K which is necessary for important bodily functions, including normal bone health and the prevention of blood clotting, and vitamin C which helps your immune system, metabolism and hydration. Kale is also filled with fiber and sulfur, both of which are great for detoxifying your body and keeping your liver healthy.

Bespoke your Kale intake:

  • Kale is a delicious side dish.This versatile leafy green can be steamed, sauteed, or consumed in raw salads.
    Steam or sautee: Simply steam and season with sea salt and pepper to taste, or sautee with olive oil and garlic for a superfood combination and a beauty food triple threat.
  • Kale chips are a tasty, easy to make alternative to potato chips. Spread large kale pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Lightly drizzle with olive oil, gently season with sea salt and bake at 300 degrees F for about 20 mins until crisp.

How do you enjoy your kale? Share your Kale recipe Below!

Beauty Food, Ingredients

Beauty Food – Tea

ImageIt’s no secret. At Savile Bespoke Beauty we don’t believe that achieving healthy skin can be done with a quick fix or a miracle cream. What we do believe is that beauty should be a way of life. It doesn’t begin or end when we put our makeup on or wash our face at night. Instead, we make conscious decisions to contribute to our beauty everyday.

The easiest, most effective way (and personally my favorite way) to achieve better skin, hair and nails is through the foods you eat. I mean, you have to eat anyway so why not eat foods that help you in your beauty quests! We want to highlight some of the most potent and amazing foods for your body and your beauty.

Our Beauty Foods feature does just that.


Yup that’s right. Tea. The best news is there are all kinds of tea out there (green, black, white, oolong, matcha and herbal just to name a few) and you can have your pick. So whether you like the bold and aromatic taste of black tea or the crisp and refreshing flavor of green tea, you’re going to love the benefits of drinking 2-3 cups of this powerful beauty liquid daily.

Why so powerful? Tea contains several potent anti-oxidents, vitamins and phytochemicals that promote healthy skin on a cellular level. Vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and flavonoids are vital components in the benefits of tea.

Vitamins C and E work synergistically. Vitamin C is beneficial for the body in many ways, but for beauty specifically, vitamin C decreases melanin production in the body, with lighter and brighter skin as a result. Vitamin E is a well known potent anti-oxidant that protects the skin from free-radicals (things in the environment that cause aging and cannot be avoided). Vitamin E’s performance is enhanced by vitamin C. Carotenoids and Flavonoids also protect against free-radicals as well as inhibit inflammation and imparts smooth, healthy, brighter looking skin. Certain teas contain more Flavonoids than others (green tea has 25% flavonoids while black tea has about 4%), but no matter your daily dose, long term tea drinkers all reap the same benefits… gorgeous radiant skin, from head to toe.

About a month ago, I banished coffee from my diet and opted for multiple cups of green tea throughout the day. In fact, I am enjoying a cup as I write this post. While my skin has become more radiant, I’ve noticed an overall difference in my entire body, mainly I no longer suffer through the jittery side effects or the dreaded afternoon crash. If you’re not quite ready to make the switch from coffee to tea, you can also benefit from applying the tea directly onto your skin. Try a facial steam, add a few tea bags  to your bath water or apply cooled tea bags directly to your skin to relieve puffiness and inflammation.

You can bespoke your tea intake:

  • Drink 2-3 cups daily. For variety switch up the type of teas every day so you never get bored.
  • For dry skin, look for teas that include marshmallow, dandelion, peppermint, calendula, borage, and/or chamomile in their ingredients. In a large pot or bowl, place tea leaves in steaming hot water. Place a towel over your head and lean over the bowl allowing the tea steeped steam to wash over your face. Be sure to breath deep and relax.
  • If you suffer from acne prone skin, green tea is your secret weapon. Green tea detoxifies the skin and for added benefits look for Burdock, Dandelion, Echinacea,  valerian, Goldenseal, Marshmallow root, Watercress, Wild strawberry leaves and Yarrow root on the ingredients for a detoxifying blend.

So what do you think? Can you make the switch or incorporate tea in your beauty regime? Try it for 30 days. Then comment below and let us know how this beauty food worked for you!


Melissa N
